Birdwatching Society
We are the Sheffield University Birdwatching Society and, in case you hadn’t already guessed from our name, we love birds! We want to help people learn more about the amazing wildlife that can be found right here in Sheffield and show them the best places to find it right on their doorsteps. There are many beautiful areas for birdwatching nearby and we’d love for you to come and explore them with us!
We run regular trips to great birdwatching locations in Sheffield, the Peak District and occasionally a bit further afield as well. Since the society was set up in 2012/2013 we’ve managed to spot nearly 100 different bird species as well as lots of other brilliant wildlife and we’re aiming to spot even more in the future!
As well as our regular birdwatching trips we go to ornithological talks and organise fun volunteering events for you to join in with like helping out in local schools with the RSPB’s Big School’s Birdwatch.
We’re a sociable bunch so as well as this we like to kick back and relax with fun stuff like trips to pub quizzes, board game evenings and even the odd bird-themed fancy dress bar crawl!
We love seeing new faces at our events so if you’d like to get involved find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, visit our website or join our mailing list by dropping us an email or signing up here. Most of our local trips are free anyway but if you’d like to get discounts for our further afield trips, socials and hoodies then membership for the society costs just £3 for the whole year and you can join at any one of our events. We hope to see you soon!