Gallery of External Charities
This space is a showcase page for the many organisations working hard for nature, communities and the local environment in the Sheffield area. Some have had close working relationships with our own societies and students for years while others have no direct links with us but are keen for student volunteers to get involved. There is a whole range of causes out there so hover over the pictures to find out more or click to go to their own websites. Whether you want to do practical conservation work or encourage children to 'get back to nature', there should be something for everyone!
If you would like your charity to have a space here please use the contact form to get in touch!

We are a partnership project involving the 3 main further and higher education institutions of Sheffield, the local community food network, Grow Sheffield, and Fareshare Yorkshire. We aim to raise sustainability awareness amongst students and staff in higher education, further education and the communities of Sheffield through a focus on food.

New Roots is a friendly, not-for-profit shop, run entirely by volunteers. We sell vegetarian and vegan snacks, fair trade, gluten-free, and organic wholefoods, and local, organic fruit and vegetables to the people of Sheffield. But New Roots is more than just a shop! We’re a community. Have a browse of our website to find out what we do, why we do it and how you could get involved.

Harvests the seasonal glut of fruit across the city and redistribute this surplus to the local communities on a non-profit basis. The project volunteers also plant fruit trees, offer workshops on fruit tree pruning and grafting and run chutney and jam making workshops.