Ethical & Environmental Committee
We are a working committee within the union whose goals and objectives are stated quite clearly in our name. Our priorities lie in upholding and promoting the ethical and environmental interests of the students and the union. This can range from ensuring products in the SU shop or food outlets are fair-trade or that the union’s green resources are being used efficiently e.g recycling, energy levels.
Although we are a working committee we have plenty of activities and socials for all students interested in ethical and environmental issues in or around campus. Here are some of the things we got up to this year:
A vegan/vegetarian picnic trail for the veggie fresher or re-fresher. Our trail leaders took people on a whirlwind tour of a variety of vegan/vegetarian/organic stores and restaurants Sheffield has to offer, then finished with a picnic in one of our beautiful parks.
Ethical & Environmental Knowledge Week, or ‘EEK Week’, taking place annually in November, we stage numerous events to promote ethical and environmental issues. EEK Week 2014 included classes at New Leaf on energy efficient cider pressing, themed cocktails and a pub quiz at Bar One, cake, coffee and chatter in the Green Space, and special guest speakers on climate change at the SU.
We work regularly in conjunction with other societies and committees, this year we collaborated with Fashion Soc for EEK Week in which we held a Swap Shop. Later in the Semester we are working with BakeSoc to hold a ‘Bake Off’ style competition using only ethically sourced ingredients. We also support various ongoing campaigns around the union such as Sheffield on a Plate and ‘Save Our Sandwiches’ (look it up and get involved!) as well as the Women’s Committee’s zero tolerance to sexual harassment campaign.
The best way to get involved is to follow us on facebook or twitter or sign up to our mailing list, this way you’re kept up to date about upcoming events or socials! We also have a website. When our weekly meetings consist of event or social planning we’ll let you know via email, so that you can come along and contribute.
Get in touch with us or sign up to our mailing list: eande@sheffield.ac.uk