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SUCV 2015/16 Committee - Newly Elected!

SUCV held their AGM on 16th April and had brilliant interest in the newly vamped commitee roles. On behalf of the 2014/15 committee we would like to congratulate our fellow tree huggers and look forward to seeing all the amazing work they put to continue making SUCV an amazing society!

Here is your new SUCV committee:

Treelady (Chair) - Katjusa Koler

Deputy of the Branch (Co-Chair) - David Rapley Master of Coin (Treasurer) - Carly Li Secretariat of the Leaf (Secretary) - Bee Hiang Goh Groot (Inclusions & Outreach) - Shweta Hota Fun Officer (Social and Fundraising) - Rob Hodges Rangers (Task Leaders) - Mollie Hunt, Rebecca Woods, Amruta Tendolkar, Jamie Andrews Conservation Weekender (Residential Officer) - Liang Wu Nature Paparazzi (Publicity & NatureNetwork rep) - Andrew Jones

The new team:


Outgoing committee:


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