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Calling future Network committee members - Society Reps and Publicity Officers needed for 2016-17!

A week ago we posted a call for applicants for the Network President role for 2016-17 (click here for more info). Anybody who is interested in putting themselves forward has until midnight on Friday 25th March to get in touch. If you don't want to take on the President's role, however, there are a number of other positions that will be available!

The other role we currently have that is Network-specific, as opposed to belonging to a particular member society, is that of Publicity Officer. Last year this worked well with two people but depending on the experience and preferences of the applicants one would be fine too. The main duties are as follows:

  • Manage the Network website and social media outlets (currently Facebook and Twitter)

  • Update the website/social media on a regular basis and liaise with society reps to create and post material for their society (blog posts, photos, upcoming events etc.)

  • Respond appropriately to any messages received through our website/social media and/or pass these on to the President

  • Run specific publicity campaigns for any major events coordinated by the Network

  • Use your own imagination and initiative to keep the Network's branding and publicity efforts fresh and engaging!

If you are interested in being one of our Network Publicity Officers, drop an email to by midnight, Friday 25th March, so we can let you know the date of the election. This will be pretty informal and run like a normal society AGM - so nothing to worry about!

We will also need representatives for each society in the Network. The Society Reps sit on the normal society committees but also attend monthly Network meetings in order to a) keep their society in touch with the rest of the Network and b) make sure their society's views are heard. All of these roles will be open through each society's own AGM - so look out for them as our member societies start to advertise their election dates.

Finally, a brief thank you to everybody who attended the Takeover - we had an incredible weekend and we hope you did too! We'll be posting photos and a rundown of the weekend's escapades over the next week or so - so watch this space. Anybody who feels like making a contribution, be it a lengthy tribute, some candid camera shots or something short and sweet, just send your piece to!


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